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Salesforce CPQ. 一 CPQ 概念 CPQ代表了配置,价格,报价 C:What products does the customer want to buy (configure)? The C is for configure. You pick out what they’ll buy. P: How much do those products cost (price)? The P is for price. We add it up, easy as pie. Q: How can we give the customer details about the sale (quote)? Salesforce Developer Network: Salesforce1 Developer Resources. You can use Data Loader in two different ways: User interface—When you use the user interface, you work interactively to specify the configuration parameters, CSV files used for import and export, and the field mappings that map the field names in your import file with the field names in Salesforce. 对 Salesforce 模块创建表单. 点击设计页面顶部显示的添加新项图标。 选择表单,如下所示。如果您要在应用中创建第一个表单,那么系统会直接将您引导至第 3 步。 选择集成。 选择 Salesforce。 在创建 Salesforce 表单页面中,输入以下详细信息: 输入表单的名称 Download PDF SalesforcexytoolsCore-python-library-for-salesforce( 日本語).pdf About Author : Exia.Huang SalesforceXyTools HP Github Twitter Facebook Qiita Hatena はてなブログ Sample Source pip install SalesforcexytoolsCore eset nod32设计了一个高效的内核,作为一个单独的、高度优化的引擎,提供统一的安全保护,防止不断的更新病毒、蠕虫、间谍程序的恶意攻击。


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