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01/06/2020 01/11/2011 Shutterstock Editor is the easy design app for creating professional-looking content for social media, presentations and more. Image filtering is a crucial feature for any image-based design tool, and Shutterstock Editor provides robust support for it. 图片库网站中最具性价比的商业图片素材供应商,123rf拥有超过1亿条正版素材内容,每天新增10万条素材内容,提供高清正版图片、创意图片、广告图片、设计图片、视频素材、音频素材下载。123rf图库,购买商业图片的最佳图片网站 Shutterstock considers each license to be a unique transaction for a single use of the media, so licensing a media item once does not necessarily mean that you can retrieve it later. You can use the appropriate endpoint, such as GET /v2/images/licenses, to see your licenses.
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The Shutterstock UI search widget lets you embed Shutterstock image and video search on your site. You can customize actions to happen when users search or click items, and you can get information about what they search for and click. ShutterstockWidget. new ShutterstockWidget(options) Shutterstock's global scale and embedded relationships with leading social media platforms are allowing us to capitalize on this emerging opportunity. Pervasive nature of easy to use editor tools is enabling the growth of the casual creative or “prosumer” market.
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